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In the Fall of 2024 I am teaching a course called "Wicked Problems of Sustainability." As the course is essentially about intractable problems, I created an assignment for students to build their personal resilience and hope for a better future. First, the students read chapters from Kari Grain's 2022 book, "Critical hope: How to grapple with complexity, lead with purpose, and cultivate transformative social change." Then, the students are charged with spending time each week on activities that cultivate positive mental health and coping skills. Finally, throughout the semester the students get involved with an issue that is important to them. 


The work of the students has been very inspiring and they have reported improvements in their coping skills and overall mental health. They have also gotten more involved in issues that are important to them.


Temporarily, my professional portfolio is holding space as my own exercise in critical hope - using art as a form of both protest and coping. 




​More soon.

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